Do you suspect that some materials within your organization contain asbestos? Whether it be exposed, hidden or within other materials, this contaminant must be monitored and appropriately dealt with. Risks related to asbestos are now better known and covered by detailed regulations.
Our systemic approach is consistent with the Québec Regulation respecting occupational health and safety, construction safety codes and all new regulations on safe asbestos management in force since June 6th 2013. These provisions are designed to reduce workers’ exposure to asbestos dust.
Our team of OHS specialists will visit your establishment to perform sampling for laboratory analysis of areas suspected to contain asbestos.
Thanks to the Preventis Asbestos Management application all the data collected (department, local, analysis report, level of dangerousness) will be centralized and made accessible to all, thus offering you full control of your asbestos.
You wish to eliminate your asbestos? Our teams of specialists will handle the dismantling and safe disposal of your asbestos.