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A global vision of prevention
A click away from professional management of health and safety at work

Job safety analysis

Analyse sécuritaire de tâches

Job safety analysis

Preventis System guides organizations through a structured task safety analysis (TSA) program. This approach enables you to identify all risks and hazards related to various tasks in the work environment. This subsequently allows you to implement specific security measures that follow recognized health and safety principles.

The 51st article of the Act respecting occupational health and safety states that the employer must take the necessary measures to protect the health and ensure the safety and physical well- being of his worker. In order to do so, the employer must be aware of all risks and hazards in his workplace as well as properly “Use methods and techniques intended for the identification, control and elimination of risks to the safety or health of the worker” as indicated in the 5th paragraph of the above mentioned article.

Analysis of tasks to be performed from a given position

Risks identification

Means to eliminate risks or ways of controlling them

Security equipments

Writing of safe work procedures (awareness and training)


Job safety analysis
Risks analysis


  • Prioritization of tasks requiring immediate analysis (frequency, potential risks, new tasks, statistics of injuries, etc.);
  • Division or segmentation of tasks into separate steps;
  • Task safety analysis based on potential risk and hazard identification at every step;
  • Establishment of measures and means of control to address said risks and hazards;
  • Record keeping of gathered information and data through our online « Task safety analysis » module;
  • Support through analysis process including training for its main users;
  • UNLIMITED access to the « Task safety analysis » module including but not limited to: the job registry, the ability to create, modify and consult tasks relevant to each job, etc.