Noise is a source of stress and degradation of health. In the industrial workplace it is one of the first sources of discomfort for the workers.
Problems of overexposure to noise can prove very costly in compensation for a company. To counter this problem it is necessary to identify the sources (mobile or fixed), the intensity, the nature of the noise and the exposure of the workers. At Preventis System our team of specialists offer you a systemic approach to identify, control or eliminate at the source this major contaminant in the workplace.
Sonometry is the comparative study of the intensity or source of the sounds. It is carried out using a sonometer (a device used to measure a level of pressure or acoustic intensity in the area of audible frequencies). Our team of Hygienists and Occupational Health Technicians analyze the sampling results and determine the problematic work stations.
With the data collected in sonometry, a sound map of the work sites is generated and is on display in order to clearly visualize the areas and work stations at risk.
After identifying work areas at risk, an employee’s exposure must be measured with an audiodosimeter for each shift where noise levels appear to exceed the limits set by the regulation. By wearing the audiodosimeter during a full shift, the average and dose of noise exposure are obtained and usually expressed in levels of exposure to noise, Lex, T. It is a logarithm that takes into account the exposure and the number of hours worked.
Frequency analysis is a measure of sound levels at each frequency or noise intensity. The octave bands are identified by their center frequency. The width of the band increases with the intensity of the center frequency. The range of audible frequencies (about 20 to 20,000 Hz) was divided into 11 octave bands. Analysis of frequency and octave bands helps our specialists reduce or eliminate the source of the identified noise or determine what type of protective equipment is most effective for each workstation.
Establish the reference of the worker’s hearing. Monitor the progress of deafness.